Brinkley Messick Master Class — Call for Applications

December 17, 2018

On Wednesday, March 6, 2019, the IIS is pleased to present a master class delivered by Professor Brinkley Messick (Columbia University).  Messick is the inaugural visiting lecturer at the IIS in 2019.  His master class, directed to graduate students,  post-doctoral fellows, and faculty, is a 3 hour seminar (with a one hour lunch break) scheduled from 10a.m. – 2 p.m. in the IIS Seminar Room.

Professor Messick describes the master class as follows:

This class will offer a sampler of reading methods, and a related set of study texts will be circulated in advance. Among the topics:

  • analyses keyed to the materiality of writings;
  • new approaches to genre;
  • features of composition;
  • the role of models;
  • discursive movements, temporalities and shifts of genre;
  • working with reflexive passages and metatexts; attending to minor discursive institutions, such as the mas’ala, the “case” or “problem,” and imlā’, or “dictation,” as one of several modes of orality; and
  • reading across the categories of ‘library’ and ‘archive,’ within a formation of texts.

Space for the master class is limited to 15 participants from among our graduate, Post-Doctoral and faculty community.  If you are interested in attending the master class and able to commit the time and effort to preparation and attendance, please submit a 500 word statement of interest by 5 p.m. on February 1, 2019 to  The IIS will notify the 15 successful applicants by February 16, 2019.