News: Featured

Call for research participants: Muslims’ experiences with Ontario’s Children’s Aid Societies

Call for research participants: Muslims’ experiences with Ontario’s Children’s Aid Societies

July 21, 2024

The Institute of Islamic Studies (IIS) is seeking people (18 years old and above) to participate in its research on Muslims’ experience with Ontario’s child welfare system, a project within the Structural Islamophobia Research Lab (SiRL) For the study, the IIS is looking for people who’ve been involved wth Ontario’s Children’s Aid Societies either personally […]

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CASIM 2024: Conference Recap

CASIM 2024: Conference Recap

June 4, 2024

On May 23rd and 24th, the Canadian Association for the Study of Islam and Muslims (CASIM) met in Halifax, at St. Mary’s University, for the second conference organized since its founding in 2021. The conference centered around “Movement” and involved the spectrum of scholars from graduate students to mid-career professionals. The CASIM conference intends to […]

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New research explores Muslim families’ experiences with child welfare services in Ontario

New research explores Muslim families’ experiences with child welfare services in Ontario

March 12, 2024

The Institute of Islamic Studies (IIS) is proud to announce a new research project that will explore Muslim families’ experiences with the child welfare system in Ontario. This project will be housed under the IIS’ Structural Islamophobia Research Lab (SIRL). Limited research on child welfare system and Muslim’s experienceThere is a growing concern in Muslim […]

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Workshop Series: Exploring Islamic Law in Imperial Contexts

Workshop Series: Exploring Islamic Law in Imperial Contexts

January 30, 2024

Location: Zoom | Time: 2 pm to 4 pm | Date: May 16 Welcome to our monthly workshop on Islamic law and imperialism. The goal of our workshop is to explore the local legal transformations that occurred under the influence of imperial powers. Our workshop series aims to decentralize the traditional narratives of European colonialism. […]

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Community Engagement Policy

Community Engagement Policy

August 15, 2022

As we pursue innovative research projects collaboratively with others, we recognize these as important and timely engagements in which all parties to the project share a specific commitment consistent with the principles and priorities of all parties involved. The IIS does not expect community partners to alter their varied priorities and policies to align with those of the IIS or the University of Toronto, nor will the IIS alter its core mission and purpose.

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