News tagged with 'Anthropology of Islam'

For the Love of the Prophet
January 17, 2022Authors: Noah Saloman, Abdulla Majeed Professor Noah Salomon joins this episode of the Reading Muslims podcast to discuss the role texts and textuality came to play in his ethnography of the Islamic State in Sudan, For Love of the Prophet (Princeton University Press 2016). He reflects on what it means to approach texts not only as an […]
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Islamic Religious Authority and the Women’s Mosque of America
October 31, 2021Authors: Tazeen Ali, Iman Abdoul Karim Dr. Tazeen Ali joins the Anthropology of Islam Hub to discuss her upcoming book project, Authorizing Women: Islamic Authority at the Women’s Mosque of America with New York University Press. She lays out the gendered and racialized landscape of the U.S. Muslim religious authority and what is and isn’t new about Women’s Mosque of […]
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Identity Politics or Theologies of Identity: Lessons from the MAC Scholars Summit
July 26, 2021Author: Sara Hamed The words “Deeply Rooted and Standing Strong,” flashed on my screen against the image of a thick trunked tree with protruding roots stitched into the earth around it. It’s time for an authentic, genuine narrative that is grounded in our religion, to reflect our proud Canadian Muslim identity,” said the promo video’s […]
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The Sayyid Tweeted
May 19, 2021Author: Abdulla Majeed On February 11th 2020, the controversial Iraqi religious cleric and spiritual leader of the Sadrist Movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, ordered and announced the disbandment of the “Blue Hats” militant unit by tweeting on his official Twitter account. This disbandment came after the “Blue Hats” were involved in attacks on Iraqi protestors in Baghdad, Nasiriyah and […]
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Congested Dhikr: Traffic Signage for an Urban Islam
March 17, 2021Author: Abdulla Majeed In the midst of his road rage, Amir—the taxi driver I often accompanied to one of the organizations I was conducting fieldwork with in East Amman- suddenly began to murmur and recite God’s name in tasbīḥ (praise) and istighfār (asking forgiveness) as he tried to calm his anger. I glimpsed at the traffic light and noticed […]
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Reading Muslim Anthropologists
February 25, 2021Author: Joud Alkonrani Not too long ago, I asked my supervisor roughly how long a dissertation chapter should be. “Between 8 and 10 thousand words,” she replied. Sorry to have asked, I sheepishly attached my 23,000-word chapter to my email in response. A few weeks later, I received from my committee detailed and thoughtful feedback […]
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