News: Muslims in Canada Data Initiative

New MiCDI project & job opportunity for ‘Theorizing Islamophobia’
November 23, 2022The Muslims in Canada Data Initiative (MiCDI) is pleased to announce a new research project funded by the Peel Social Lab: Theorizing Islamophobia. The new project also has a job posting for a Research Assistantship (more details below). Announcement: Theorizing Islamophobia Job Opportunity: Graduate Research Assistantship (50 hours) New Project – “Theorizing Islamophobia” – To […]
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Muslims in Canada Archives project shared at CRRF’s panel on storytelling
November 16, 2022The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) was proud to host a hybrid event in honour of Islamic History Month. “Storytelling is Our Superpower”. Anver Emon and Moska Rokay were part of the panel and discussed the role that the Muslims in Canada Archives project plays in enabling storyrelling. You can now watch the recording from […]
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Job Posting: Graduate Research Assistantships
July 14, 2022Graduate Research Assistantship: Islamophobia Index Development (400 hours) Area of Research The study of Islam and Muslims in Canada Description of Duties This Research Assistantship (RAship) will invite a graduate student to work closely with a MiCDI data team member to develop an index measuring Islamophobia. The role would include qualitative data analysis, conceptualization and operationalization […]
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Announcing the Muslims in Canada Data Initiative (MiCDI)
February 15, 2021The Institute of Islamic Studies (IIS) is excited to introduce you to a new and exciting venture: the Muslims in Canada Data Initiative (MiCDI). MiCDI examines and and develops large-scale data sets, that improve the visibility of Muslims across Canada. With a higher resolution understanding of Canada’s Muslims communities, MiCDI can enable more effective discussions […]
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